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The practitioners who seek to train in Posturology

often ask the question: which is the best training?

In many counties today we are lucky to have several Posturology training organizations. All of them offer different programs, generic or tailor-made for each specialty at several levels, from beginners to established posturologists.

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Many opportunities for training

Each practitioner has the possibility to learn how to carry out a postural assessment in face-to-face training, online or even by personal studying of Posturology books. So many options for everyone, for each specialty with a concept that best suits their schedule.

As with all training, once the theoretical basis has been acquired, practice allows you to become more familiar with the different scenarios and thus integrate the postural assessment into your daily life.

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Scientific equipment for every method

POSTUROKiT meets the fundamental need for scientific equipment for basic postural tests. Easy to set up and simple to use, it can be used by all posturologists regardless of their level or training.

The approach is pretty logical:

and the set-up becomes fluid for optimal practice.

Posturology in growth

It is true that the integration of Posturology becomes essential today, because there is a significant demand from patients thanks to its exceptional results. This also allows you to work in network with colleagues from different specialties for an even more global approach.

At the end of the day, whatever your choice of training in postural analysis might be, what will make the difference is the practitioner’s passion and professional experience!