
  • Where can I buy POSTUROKiT products? 

    On our e-shop and during the congresses on which we are present.

    For more information or if you want to know the dates to meet us, you can contact the team: info@posturokit.com

  • Where are the products made? 

    The products are mainly manufactured in France and in other European countries.

  • Can I test the products before buying them? 

    You can test them during the congresses or contact the team for a demonstration in Monaco at info@posturokit.com

  • Does the use of POSTUROKiT require training? 

    POSTUROKiT is designed to facilitate the practice of Posturology. If you are trained in the discipline, you do not need additional training to use the products.

    Each kit / product comes with a user manual.

    And videos to guide you are available on our YouTube page

  • Is there a guarantee?

    All products are guaranteed for 1 year.

  • Who can I contact if I have a problem? 

    You can contact the Posturokit team at info@posturokit.com

  • What to do if a part is broken or damaged? 

    You can take a picture and send it to the Posturokit team info@posturokit.com and we will contact you.


  • Do you deliver internationally? 

    Yes, we currently ship to Europe (including UK and Switzerland), North Africa, Canada and the USA.

  • What are the delivery times? 

    The preparation time of your order is 3 working days.

    The delivery time is :

    • 3-5 working days for France and the European Union
    • 7-12 business days for UK, Switzerland and North Africa
    • 10-15 business days for Canada and the United States
  • What are the delivery costs? 

    For Monaco, the delivery costs are free.

    For France :

    • Vertical bar set : €20
    • Foam tray set: €20
    • Podoscope: €20
    • Maddox kit: €15
    • Kit light: €30
    • Kit classic: €50
  • What is the delivery method used?

    Colissimo with tracking


  • What are the different payment methods you offer?   
    • credit card
    • check (made out to us)
    • cash
    • bank transfer

    Do not hesitate to contact us at info@posturokit.com if you wish to use one of the last three payment methods.

  • What are the conditions of return, retraction or refund? 

    You can contact us at info@posturokit.com within one month of your purchase.

  • How do I get an invoice? 

    Your invoice is automatically sent to you by email at the time of your purchase.

  • Is the payment secure? 

    The payment is secured by Click&Pay.

  • Do you offer payment in installments? 

    Yes, you can choose to pay in installments when you buy on the e-shop


  • Is there a user manual?

    You can download your user manual here, or watch usage videos here.

Barre's Vertical

  • How to check the horizontality of the positioner?

    Adjust the level by hand or with the wrench so that the level bubble is in the center.

  • Why doesn't the laser light up?

    It requires 2 AA batteries which are not included.

    If it still doesn’t light up, contact the team info@posturokit.com 

  • Why is the laser flashing?

    The laser is self-leveling, flashing just before leveling.

New Generation Podoscope

  • Why can't I see the footprints on the podoscope?

    The mirror of the podoscope is protected with 1 very thin and waterproof sticker, it will be necessary to remove it before the first use in order to visualize the prints.

  • How to clean the podoscope?

    It is necessary to use a product without alcohol.

Foam Plateform Set

  • How long can you use the same foam?

    For ultra intensive use, it is recommended to change sides every year. Otherwise, it can be kept longer. Pay attention to the degree of wear.

Maddox Test

  • Why doesn't the lamp light up?

    You need 2 AA batteries which are not included.

  • Why can't we see the bright spot?

    The lights in the test room must be turned off.

  • How far from the light point should the person be placed?

    Between 2 and 5 meters away.


  • What is posturology?

    Posturology is the discipline that studies the postural system in plumb, space and time and its stabilization strategies.

    If you would like to read a complete article on the subject, click here 

  • When to use posturology? 

    In all types of care, from prevention to treatment.

  • Who is the posturokit for? 

    Our kits are intended for all practitioners and students concerned with posturology:

    • osteopath & podiatrist
    • dentist & ENT
    • ophthalmologist & orthoptist
    • speech therapist
    • rehabilitating physician & physiotherapist
    • rheumatologist & general practitioner
    • coach & physical trainer
  • How does a postural assessment work? 

    The practitioner checks all the sensors of the body in a simple, logical and effective way.

    If you want more information on the subject, it is here (add the link of the first article)

  • How does your kit make a difference? 

    POSTUROKiT includes all the scientific instruments necessary for a complete postural assessment with a design and ergonomics validated by the pros!

    Moreover, our equipment, made in Europe, presents innovative functionalities:

    Barrée vertical kit: the positioner is made of bacteriostatic laboratory resin and integrates an adjustable spirit level with adjustable feet.
    Podoscope new generation: its leds allow its use even with the ambient daylight.
    Foam tray kit: the technical foam of specific density accentuates postural imbalances and allows a reliable diagnosis of cephalic sensors.
    Maddox test kit: the specific light point lights up with a simple “touch” and adjusts to the subject’s height.

  • What are the different uses of POSTUROKiT? 

    The uses are multiple and adapt to the needs of each practitioner:

    • From assessment to longitudinal follow-up
    • Feedback before/after an exercise
    • From customization of a treatment or training program to its validation
  • What are the differences between each kit? 

    Each kit is adapted to the needs of each practitioner:

    • The classic kit is the essential kit for a complete postural assessment.
    • The light kit has been designed for podiatrists who already have a podoscope in their practice.
    • The expert kit with a postural grid, a digital podoscope and a cold spray meets the expectations of the most demanding practitioners.
  • Have your kits already proven themselves with professionals? 

    Since its creation, POSTUROKiT has been validated by the best in their fields. Many practitioners trust us and today our equipment is used in their offices, clinics, institutions and/or sports clubs.

  • I can't find an answer to my question, who can I contact? 

    You can contact the Posturokit team info@posturokit.com and we will be happy to answer you.